Hugo In Action - Manning Flash Sale

Hugo In Action - Manning Flash Sale

I just ordered the ebook of Hugo In Action via Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) under a flash sale - which is less than 20 USD. The live book of the same can be accessed here.

This is the first time I am buying such a book on the early edition - where I can travel along with the book and see it is getting shaped up :) I am excited on this journey. This purchase gives you the access to the ebooks in various formats - PDF, ePub, Kindle and the live book of Manning.

Manning has asked my consent to review the book, which I think might be possible on demand. If so, it would be yet another experience of reviewing the book when it is being prepared. :)

Note: There are actually 12 such new MEAP ebooks running under the flash sale promo as on date.

Enjoy folks. Happy learning.. :)